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IDE Processing
the java Processing IDE.
In fact it is not only a classic IDE but also an all-in-one solution: libraries, editor, compiler... easy to use like its cousin arduino (from which it shares the philosophy, the commands and certainly many modules. This IDE allows to generate applications for PC and to port them to Android without too much effort.
Among simulators i had tested, this one is very well-made and free (thanks to the transatlantic author). But do not forget that there is always a big step between the reality and the fiction! ( The virtual). The most sophisticated simulator cannot include easily "fiddles" with it's electronics that you put behind your beautiful arduino Uno card. Take care that this simulator is only UNO compatible (and equivalents).
LARP : Logiciel d'Algorythme et de Résolution de Problèmes (Algorithmic and solving problems Software)
Currently, everyone swears by Scratch Python..., to learn the basics of algorithmic structures. Here is a little gem from Canada (sorry, Quebec) that "puts the ball back in the center". This software may seems to be old (2008) but even if only the graphic part to draw structured algorithms is used, it could be very useful for teaching.
Technology at the "Collège Vauban" of Briançon
For those who say that courses of technology in secondary school stay the same as 20 years ago, and for the others to, I advise you to have a look to this site. You will certainly find interesting things, and, I hope that your vision of the future of education could positively evolve. Finally, I do not want to influence you and invite you to see by your own.
TOWEB : Website Creation Software
This site has been created and maintained for more than ten years now using the website generator "toweb". A free version of this generator (which includes advertising!) exists and allows you to work on the graphic and functional aspect of a site without diving into the .css and .htm (html site description languages). Once your site is ready, the use of a non-free version (modest price in view of the time saved) allows you to publish your work without the automatic advertising. This software can be used in a learning activity with the only aim of workining on communication's aspect and, at the end, can lead to an operational version of a web site.