- Minor correction plus adding a section in article about Fourier trnsform adaptinx exemple to Xiao board.
31th of january 2021
- Substantive modification of the Caliper library (error handling ... )
- Adding a special class for Shahe digital rulers
- Modification of the FastInOut library made compatible with SAMD 21 (XIAO, Arduino Zero ...)
23th of december 2020
Merry Christmas !
- Addition of an isActiv method to the Caliper library
12th of december 2020
- Adding Caliper librarie in order to interface cheap "chinese" calipers
- Adding an english version of the Fourier Transform article
08th of december 2020
- Minor modifications of FastInOut library
26th of november 2020- Adding an article on Fourier Transform
28th of july 2020
- The library Codeur now uses the impovement of FastInOut library => Increase of capabilities
07th of july 2020
- The FastInOut library is now NRF5 (microbit) compatible
05th of july 2020
- Added article about sliding average (moyenne mobiles et moyennes glissantes)
04th of july 2020- Improved FastInOut library (added changeMode method to simplify the use of "bidirectional" pins)
16th of june 2020- Restoring broken links for external sites : LARP, technologie au college Vauban and 7ZIP
1st of June 2020- Added features to the SSIEncoder library to handle electronic TR encoders (V1.3 on download->arduino)
29th of May 2020
- SSIEncoder library optimisation (V1.2 on download->arduino)
26th of May 2020- Improved SSIEncoder library, minor debugging, added documentation (oscillograms) (V1.1 on download->arduino)
18th of May 2020- I2C_EEPROM library speed up (V1.2 on download->arduino)
12th of May 2020- Fix a nasty bug of the library DS1307 and adding examples and documentation
11th of May 2020- Add a library to drive the real time clock chip DS1307
18th of April 2020
- Addition in the "various courses articles" section of the article Compilez Compilez il en restera toujours quelque chose (A study on a
compiler of simple mathematical expressions).
- Minor bug corrected in keywordds.txt of MemoyUsage library
7th of April 2020
- Adding a memory inspection library in the download area : MemoryUsage
This library will help you to understand more about the memory structure managed by the compiler.
It can also help you diagnose why a "crash" due to a memory collision occurs.
(Warning, expert user level!)
- Adding an article "Management Of The Dynamic Memory Of The Microcontrollers By The Compilers" which deals with the above subject.
4thof April 2020 :
- A pernicious bug when using 0x00 as a comment character in DataFile, eliminated in V2.11 (download-> arduino)
- Add scientific writing in SerialDisplay in V2.3 (download-> arduino)
- Add LiquidCrystal_I2C library debugged for 20x4 displays (download-> arduino)
25th of March 2020 :
- Typography correction of DataFile library according camelBack style. V2.10 (download->arduino)
The library is more compliant with char[] and String datas
- Improvement of I2C_EEPROM . V1.1 (download->arduino):
Added features (update) to save EEPROM writing cycles
The library has been made more compliant to char[] and String data structure
23th 0f March 2020 :
- Minor Bug fixed on DataFile library V2.01 (download->arduino)
- Add scintific printing mode on SerialDisplay library V2.3 (download->arduino)
21th of March 2020 :
- A new library to manage external EEprom I2C memories I2C_EEPROM V1.0 (download->arduino)
- An improved and enriched DataFile library V2.0 (download->arduino)
- A new version of Unoardusim V2.71 (Links)
- Minor corrections in article "Petite Balade A La Frontiere Des Mathematiques Et Du Numerique" (Miscalanous)